David Darlow (Camino Real)

Tennessee Williams’ CAMINO REAL is running at Goodman Theatre, and is hailed as a “cosmic fantasy…as eloquent and rhythmic as a piece of music.” Camino Real is among the more overtly poetic plays from a writer famous for his psychological realism. The phrase “Camino Real” translates from Spanish as “royal road” but in Williams’ play, it represents a dead end. Camino Real places familiar characters from literature in a mythical town in a Latin American country where the “spring of humanity has gone dry.” David Darlow is Jacques Casanova, and we had the rare opportunity to discuss how Director Calixto Bieito transformed a highly abstract, non-linear story into a non-conventional, shocking experience full of sex, dreams, poetry, violence, love and death.


Lisa Wolf on ABC 7 Chicago News


Mark H. Dold, Martin Rayner (Freud’s Last Session)