F. Murray Abraham (Merchant of Venice)

I had the honor of speaking with F. Murray Abraham about his role as Shylock in Shakespeare's THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. While F. Murray Abraham won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the role of Salieri in Amadeus, he feels that this is the best work he has ever done in his life. He says this play is about justice, and feels that Shylock knows what he is doing is wrong, but can't stop himself, as we have all been "victims" of our own emotions.He feels that the reason Shylock became so full of vengeance was because they took his daughter away from him. And if it's done well, audiences will want him to win the pound of flesh at the end of the trial scene. Speaking with F. Murray Abraham is truly a memorable experience.


Dixie Longate (Dixie's Tupperware Party)


Robert Butters (Peter Pan)